A Brisbane cosmetic doctor with extensive training and experience in labiaplasty, a procedure which corrects the size and shape of the labia, has developed a new technique to achieve an ultra-realistic result and deliver a noticeable result, which compliments the patient’s original profile. Labiaplasty involves the selective elimination of surplus skin, which can cause discomfort for both patients and surgeons alike. Through the use of laser technology, the size of the labia can be dramatically reduced, creating an ultra-realistic result with minimal side effects. The result is an improvement in genital appearance, which creates a greater sense of self-esteem. This surgery can be performed under local or general anesthetic techniques, depending upon the required outcome.
Labia minora and labia majora are the two recognized labia majora and labia minora, but they are not the same as each other, even though many people will have both done. Labia minora, also known as the vulva, is normally seen in women and is usually a soft brown or fleshy colored area on the outer portion of the vulva. This is normally the most noticeable part of the labia majora, which can be elongated when there is cosmetic enhancement required. The location of the labia minora can be straight, curved, wide, low or high and there can be a lot of variation in labia minora shape. Many women choose labia minora reduction to improve the appearance of their genitals.
When labia minora is overly long it can cause discomfort for the patient and there are several methods for reducing the length. One method is known as the dove technique, named after the cosmetic surgeon, Dr. George Dove who first developed this approach for reducing labia minora. The Dove technique is a combination of liposuction and scalp reduction.
Liposuction involves removing excess fat from the body using tubes called cannulas. Liposuction is performed by making a small cut under the skin above the bikini line, but there is no need to cut through the pubic hair. Once the fat is removed from the skin, the excess skin and tissue are then removed by means of small, hollow needles or small sharp scissors. In some cases, a small incision is not necessary.
Skin needsling is another method that can be used to increase the length of the labia. Skin peeling involves the insertion of small, hollow needles into the labia minora by creating a small wound at the base of the skin. The hollow needles are then drawn out of the wound using natural or artificial pulling techniques and re-inserted into the skin. A plastic ring is then attached to the hollow needle in order to keep it in its place. The plastic ring also prevents blood from leaking from the needle into the labia minora.
The second way to have the blanks removed from the labia minora and outer lips is by the use of lasers. This involves a machine called a laser ablation device. Instead of removing the unwanted blanks by means of the use of hollow needles or sharp scissors, this procedure uses high-energy laser light. It is important to note that you will need to have your cosmetic doctor draw up the appropriate forms. The forms will request details about you and your condition. You will also need to indicate which areas of the labia minora and outer lips need to be treated and to sign the blank micro needling with prp consent form.
The third method for the removal of unwanted growth factors in the skin involves the use of micro holes excision. This method can be performed using either a laser or a cauterizing instrument. In this process, incisions are made on the areas where hair growth is noticeable. After the incisions have been made, the surgeon then inserts a micro hole instrument into the incisions and removes the growth factor.
If you want a permanent hair loss solution, you might want to consider getting rid of the hair at the root. The most common solution is known as follicular unit transplantation. In this procedure, tiny plugs of skin containing healthy hair roots are taken from the back, chest or cheeks. To get an effective solution that is permanent, your doctor will tell you the right amount of hair to be removed, the type of hair to be used and the location on which the transplanted hair will grow.