When your furnace stops working, you may be tempted to try to do it yourself. However, if you’re not sure what’s wrong with your heater, or what kind of DIY repair project would work best, it’s best to leave the work to professionals who can ensure your home is warm and safe.
Furnace Maintenance
The most important step you can take to keep your furnace running smoothly is to schedule regular maintenance visits with a qualified HVAC technician. These visits help prevent problems that can cost you money and reduce the lifespan of your equipment. A professional will clean and lubricate the moving parts of your system, ensuring optimal performance. They can also identify problems that are starting to develop before they become major issues and repair them before they cause a breakdown.
A furnace malfunction can be frustrating and costly, but there are some warning signs that you need to watch out for. One is a spike in your energy bills. This can occur when your furnace isn’t functioning correctly and is having to work harder to heat your home. You might also notice that some rooms are warmer than others, or see rust and dust around your heating registers.
Another warning sign is if you hear popping, pinging or rattling sounds. These can indicate that your system has a loose panel or ductwork that needs to be tightened. If your system is older and you’ve been hearing these noises for a while, it may be time to replace your furnace.
Keeping your furnace in top condition is a great way to get the most comfort and value from it, but you should also consider when it’s time to invest in a newer model. Furnaces typically last between 15 and 30 years, so if yours is approaching this age mark, it’s worth looking into the costs of replacement to determine whether it makes financial sense.
When to Repair and When to Replace
A well-maintained furnace can go for a long time without needing repairs, but you’ll eventually reach a point where it’s more affordable to buy a new one than continue spending on expensive maintenance visits. The best approach is to use 15 years as a cutoff for deciding when it’s time to make the switch.
Furnace Repair and When to Replace
If you’re not sure what to do about your furnace, start with some basic troubleshooting. Check to make sure that the power supply is on by locating your breaker panel and checking the breaker that controls your furnace. If it’s tripped or blown, flip it back on to reset the circuit. You should then be able to tell if this is the only problem or whether you’ll need further help. If not, you’ll need to call in a professional for more extensive repair work. You should never attempt to fix a malfunctioning Furnace Repair yourself, since it can put you and your family at risk of electrical fires or dangerous gas leaks.