Is Technological Vamping Bad For Your Health?

Is Technological Vamping Bad For Your Health?

Using a mobile device for more than an hour or so before bedtime may be counterproductive for your mental and physical health. Some studies suggest that prolonged exposure to electronic devices can be a contributing factor to anxiety and depression. Keeping your mobile phone at arm’s length is also a good idea if you plan on sleeping well at night.

In the digital age, a majority of adults spend part of their day at the office or in front of the television. This can lead to overuse of technology and an increased risk of obesity and depression. There are many reasons for this, including the fact that most adults have only limited time to occupy themselves and distract themselves from work.

It is no secret that a large percentage of the world’s population uses a mobile phone. But did you know that there is a technological subculture that focuses on the use of mobile devices for fun? Not only does this technology provide access to the Internet, but it has helped create a virtual community of ‘vampires’, wherein people devote a significant amount of their free time to browsing the Web, chatting with friends, and playing games. TheĀ Universitat Oberta de Catalunya phenomenon is particularly prevalent in the United States where teenagers and young adults tend to spend more time on their phones than most adults.

Among the most observable findings is the fact that the ‘vamping’ effect has been augmented by the coronavirus pandemic. The consequences of which can be seen in the latest viral outbreaks, wherein more than half of the population is covered in a variety of coronaviruses. In the end, it is up to you and your family to decide whether or not you should keep your mobile device out of your bedroom at night. Ultimately, the best way to avoid technology-induced snafus is to keep an eye on your children’s screen time and limit it to the most appropriate times. The aforementioned ‘vamping’ effect is one of the main reasons why parents should take an active role in their child’s digital life.